Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I have heard of donations of whole blood, plasma, Aphaeresis etc. I have not heard of donating the umbilical cord blood of a new born baby! Although once considered medical waste and thrown away, scientists now know that cord blood is rich in stem cells. Stem cells are very important because they make many different types of cells in the body including blood cells that carry oxygen, fight disease and help stop bleeding. The collection takes place after the baby is born and hence there is no change in the delivery procedure whatsoever. The storage period of whole blood is roughly 50 days I guess before which it must be used on a patient, but the umbilical cord blood is frozen and good for 10 years. Though the need for this kind of blood is not much today, it is especially used in research that will shape the tomorrow. Isn’t this just amazing!?

Decide before you are 34 weeks pregnant if you want to start your baby’s life with a punya karma :-)

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