Monday, September 11, 2006

Even if you were the Schumacher, pit stops are absolutely essential. However fuel efficient your engine is, whatever you use firestone or bridge stone, travel light and stop just as often as you need to. Mature drivers know that a quick explosion does not take them to the finish line, a calm breath at the pit stop does.

What is maturity?

Maturity does not come with the come with the number of races you have had, but with the number of races where you applied a bit of your mind ….

1. ability to control anger and lug the car without exploding
2. patience to finish all the laps before sighting finish line
3. willingness to pass up immediate pleasure in favor of long term gain
4. perseverance to continue the race even when you are the last
5. capability to face the media after a dismal performance
6. attitude to hold your head on your shoulders after a routing victory
7. holding back “I told you so” when proven right
8. not blaming the track or the media or the tires or the weather ….
9. resolute decisions in when to take your pit stops
10. yet.. hopeful of your next race

Success in a race is not Boolean
Being first or not
It is learning a step for your next ride
Come back intact


Siva said...

"the" schumacher? ;-)

nicely written... was crazy about F1 in my UG when I used to watch all the 70 odd laps. was a huge schumy fan myself. he's closing in on Alonso with jus 2 points away with jus 3 more races to go and he's retiring after this season. best ever!

Mrinalya said...

Right! The Schumacher is one of a kind..
U kno what?
.. When I wrote this post my point was about maturity and pitstops in life.. Somehow I guess it did not come out that way.. wasn't meant to be.. :)

laks said...

really nice post.....Success in a race is not Boolean --- This is so very true in is such a mixture of emotions ...taking to heights of ecstacy and down to deep sadness...sometimes even after acheiving ur goal...u wud have be confused abt Whats next..and at times totally lost n confused in ur sadness...Maturity is also an insight to scale your emotions the right way.