Friday, September 02, 2005

I have donated blood just a couple of times earlier and it feels so good after u r through. Feels like u r the reason for a couple of men walking thsi earth.. Moreover, my mom went thro' major complications in pregnancy (when i was born) that she had to use a few bottles of blood donated by good-hearted men 25 years ago, for survival. I feel deeply indebted to them.

Today, I wanted to donate blood after a long time. I also had the opportunity to do, atleast I thought so. I had registered with Red Cross, as they are camping here, at my workplace. Sadly, for a silliest of reasons, I was not allowed to donate blood today. The reason stated : I had travelled to India in the last six months. What the heck? So what ? Just because parts of India was affected my Monsoon, everyone in the country is not affected by Malaria. I want to call it Racism.. Why did the worker from Red Cross had to cite such a reason to deem by blood undonatable. It sickens me.

Earlier, while I was at college, my blood was refused too. The reason then was that I had low levels of Heamoglobin. It took me a couple of days to digest that fact itself.. but I made sure that my Heamoglobin levels reach the right levels so that I could donate, and I did. Ever since then, I have never had complaints about low levels of Hb.

But today, ....

But we still have to fight this way in the daily turmoils of a foreign country.... because we are here for a living in the US of A.


1 comment:

Anna said...

You know, I once wasn't allowed to donate blood for the Red Cross because I had been travelling to England during the first outbreak of the mad cow disease.

I'm a vegetarian.

Does that make you feel better?