Tuesday, January 24, 2006

now and I

I have often been pronounced that I write everything about the past, be it a month ago or years ago, so I thought I will try some current happenings. Suddenly there is a lot of time at hand; a day seems too long, longer than 24 hours.

Last quarter, I had taken a couple of evening courses, a full time internship and a course to be done remotely. With all that I had to cope with the newly acquired role of wife, there were constant blitz of having to search for a job, finding a better apartment, household chores, finding deals, handling the kitchen mess, lost credit card, dealing with daily routines was an ordeal. In spite of my hubby helping on every front, I was still gripping with the newer responsibilities and the expanse of albatross was constantly reminding me of the next errand. And if there was a performance review rating for this mélange of roles, I would hover around C?

Oops I was not suppose to talk about the past …. Pinching me to the present..

Oh, and now, I was been promoted to being a full-time house-wife. I have classes two days a week. Probably I have learnt to manage some domestic scutwork. I seem to have time for everything that I have always wanted to do. Read a book, talk on the phone, workout at the gym, yoga classes, step classes and wander about in Portland Downtown without a purpose or direction, spend hours reading every magazine from Washington Post to New York Times to Wall Street Journal and watch cricket without worrying about having to getup early in the morning. But I am not sure if I will really enjoy this for long. What is the stuff that I am made of? What do I want to do? I definitely enjoy this change but for how long? I will surely get bored soon and I would then blog about how bum and lazy I have become.

I wish life was full of exciting changes, newer lifestyles, and interesting happenings all the time. Yes, it will be so. Looking forward to more of it!

Thank you, for this minute!

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