Sunday, April 09, 2006

Move half-way around the Globe!

Its been quite a while since I last blogged..
During this period, I jotted quite a few unfinished posts - that are waiting in the drafts folder and some in my office email drafs folder that I noted down when I had nothing else better to do at work:)

Life has moved a great deal in this period of my blogging absense, it has brought me half-way around the globe to the East Coast of the USA. (thats how big the globe is to USA;)).. living closeby to my sister-in-law's place - an experience of being with 'family' .. actually getting to play with 2 year old more often that I have ever .. Trying stick shift for the first time in the US of A .. Blaming the stick shift for my misadventures of driving .. Second driving license in 20 days .. habitual non-incidence of me on vetti sites like orkut and Blog .. Missing Kolangal .. the coming of Malargal .. missing the weekly cinemas .. missing the constant drizzle of the North West .. eternal sunshine .. hmm my milieu has indeed changed .. No more green walkways, no more strolls alongside the woods .. No MtHood in my line of vision .. no more Wincos .. no more Safeways .. no more laid back plush lives ;).. I like it here though !

I actually set up the house, set up a home from trash basket, laundry basket, shower curtain, Moisturizer to microwave, rice cooker and floor lamps. It was my first.. I cherish the experience, relish the episode of change irrespective of whatever ensues. Thanks to the elements that made this happen!

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